
Counterfeit Substances

Massachusetts Drug Crimes Lawyer Counterfeit Substances

If you are arrested for possession of a substance that appears to be an illegal drug, you can be convicted and imprisoned for possession of a Counterfeit Substance.

The creation, distribution, dispensing or possession of Counterfeit Substances in the State of Massachusetts is a serious offense, and if convicted, offenders can be imprisoned, fined, or both. A vigorous defense by an experienced Massachusetts Drug Crimes Attorney can resolve the case, by reducing the charges, fighting for an acquittal and working hard to make sure that a first time offense does not lead to a permanent criminal record. Call Massachusetts Drug Crimes Lawyer Stephen Neyman 617-263-6800 immediately or click here to send an email.

Possession of counterfeit substance may not appear to be a serious crime, but prosecutors take it very seriously, especially if other drug-related charges are made at the time of the arrest. There are no mandatory sentencing guidelines for Counterfeit Substances charges, making the skills of an experienced Criminal Drug Attorney even more critical to the final outcome. To protect yourself and your family, reduce or eliminate the chance of having a criminal record, contact Stephen Neyman 617-263-6800 immediately or click here to send an email.

If this is a first offense, it is possible to resolve the situation with no mandatory sentence and no criminal record. But a drug crime arrest can never be taken lightly. Surrounding circumstances could easily lead to imprisonment. Being arrested for possession of Counterfeit Substances is a criminal charge that demands the skills of an aggressive and experienced Massachusetts Drug Defense Crimes Lawyer – Stephen Neyman. Call 617-263-6800 immediately or click here to send an email.

The risk of imprisonment is real. A charge of possession of counterfeit drugs could result in imprisonment in a jail or house of correction for not more than one year or by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $2,500 or both fine and imprisonment.

Protect yourself and your future – call Stephen Neyman at 617-263-6800 immediately or click here to send an email.

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